Henry and Audrey don't seem to be physically growing even half as quickly as their personalities are. They are both exerting themselves right out into their world like plant tendrils, uncoiling, reaching, grasping, sampling, rejecting, singing, dancing, testing. Philodendrons.
Audrey is more attached to things: Charlie Horse, blankets, has definite ideas about who is to carry things or where things go. She is not shy about communicating these directives, or simply repositioning, or helping you understand what you are supposed to do. More and more words trickle out daily, with more inflection than just sweet vs growl. She is generous with her hugs and stingey with her tap-taps.
Henry is similar to Olivia in his attention and sensitivity to people and their reactions to him and what he is doing. And what he is doing is usually dancing. His vocabulary comes in torrents, words mimicked and added by the minute, absorbed from any proximate source or conversation. He has very few item attachments - I can't think of even one.
Both children remember experiences well and clearly. When we set out in the morning for school, they immediately ask "Muffin Man? Cookie?", remembering trips taken on weekend morning walks to the neighborhood bakery. It is worth a shot. They consistently wave at a single neighbor or even her apparently empty house, remembering a walk from this past January when they said hello to her and blew kisses peering over snow drifts. I am astonished at their positive mental associations with events and locations.
And they love their sister, wanting her first thing in the morning and last hugs at night.
And both used the poddy for morning urination today. Progress.