For Sister Olivia, link here.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

More Images of Two

Birthday Cake, and other stuff.

Two are Two

Beneath and between the diapering and feeding and napping and playing and fighting and learning, Audrey and Henry survived and thrived another year.
They are extremely close siblings, including being able to outright snatch things from each other as well as casually share other things with each other, guided in this solely by whim. Noise and drama are disregarded, as well as thanks and hugs. They are each others best audience when they want to entertain, especially when they are supposed to be sleeping.
But they share another very influential sibling, and each must respond to Olivia as well. She seems to pick no favorite or scapegoat from between them, and loves or harasses them basically equally. She merely wants playmates and attention as much as the twins themselves do. So while they are all this small age, they orbit each other as they orbit us.
Maybe what I mean is that I see more commonalities among the twins and Olivia to any children, rather than detecting any secret language or sentience between The Twins. They grow into more of themselves each day to me and less of a twin unit.
Yet I realize that they share with each other more than any other kids. Last week, when Audrey seemed distraught and emotional at school, she would only share her toys with Henry and rejected all other kids. And at times when Henry can be his very dramatic self, it seems Audrey can make him laugh whenever she chooses. So they are clearly close to each other as well. I just don't know that they depend on each other as much or more than they depend on Mom and Dad and Olivia? Which isn't so bad either. Fortunately at two, family is still the largest influence on their lives and maybe not yet peers? In case this is true, I will admonish myself to again learn and practice patience. Because their snatching and crying and pushing and shoving and tantrums with, for and over each other remains the loudest and most frustrating part of my days. This is not limited to Henry and Audrey, obviously, but being their blog I'll restrict my prosecution to the defendants at hand. Remember Daddy: distraction, diversion, less sarcasm because it is wasted on them and bitter to you. And they love it when you imitate animals, no matter how mad they are.
Happy Birthday Twins, and many happy returns.
Love, Daddy.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Just a really nice photo of little Audrey. She won the "grocery trip lottery" this morning by being up first and so quiet as to not wake her siblings. So she got to go with me to get donuts and juice and milk etc. She's NOT cutting her molars yet, as is therefore delightful.

Hanging Out

And as I write that, let me add this little tidbit about Henry and Hanging.
While chucking my son onto the bed Thursday night, using legs and arms to swing him, he came out of the pile of pillows crying and holding his arm instead of laughing uproariously. Ten minutes after not letting his parents touch his right arm, he was actually in the ER.
Expecting the child abuse questions, I got the wonderful statement of "this is probably a really common injury" from the triage nurse. And it was: Nursemaid's Elbow.
Common etiology, comes from swinging under-age-5 children by arms, briefly dislocating the radial head from the anular ligament at the ulna. Corrected in one jiffy by supinating the hand and raising the hand to shoulder. He was reaching for stickers from the doctor one minute later with the effected hand, and talking up a storm again 2 minutes later. New to me, and about half the people I tell. The other half have either had this themselves, or a sibling did. No swinging Henry until he's 5.
I will probably still toss him into the pillows, but will grab him under the arms.
He's cutting his 2-year molars right now too, so is especially emotional anyway. Poor guy.