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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Audrey at 1

Tap-tap. Though her mother and I seem a little resistant to nicknames for Audrey right now, this may be the closest we come to one, in naming her after a small proclivity she has for lightly poking something with her finger. Before we switched the twins' carseats last week, she would tap on the button of her chest belt closure and frequently open it en route home. We chose not to interpret this as a self-destructive cry for help. Mostly because she remains one of the happiest and most observant children I have ever met. Composed, smiling, gregarious. Which is why it is very disconcerting to watch her calmly grab her brother's arm and bite him when he steals something from her. He has it coming, but she is so matter-of-fact and calm about this assault that I'm usually too slow to call her off. She strikes like a cobra, that Audrey. Henry seems as shocked, receiving no warning cry of her frustration or rage. Simply the Mossad-like injury response to his insult. I guess i'm taking this with her aplomb and am simply comforting Henry afterward, hoping by ignoring her it might dissipate the behavior, but i'm also simply too slow to stop it. But enough about her single naughty trait. She sleeps well, eats well, but is cutting a molar right now with lots of intermittent pathos. She'll just suddenly spike a toy she was playing with and go into a silent cry in a heap on the floor. I'll pick her up and she accepts the cuddling as quietly as the tooth pain. But she isn't always quiet - her laugh is infectious and sounds like her sister's. And she will laugh at almost anything, even holding her gaze for a few moments. Prat falls are her favorite, and her brother has realized this, performing them for her at school occasionally. She is a fantastic audience; one wants her attention. I predict she will finally walk within the next week, as walking is starting to make her laugh, even if Mom or I aren't the destination. She will be my last child to walk, and i guess i'm in no hurry.

1 comment:

  1. Those were really nice notes about audrey and henry, I'm sure they'll cherish them one day!

