Just about a month ago now, we took the mattresses out of the cribs and put them on the floor.
Instant big kid beds. Safe for trialing such vital progress as Staying In Bed All Night Without Mechanical Prevention.
So far, so good. About every 3rd night, Audrey sneaks in to our room between 4 and 6:00. But that isn't unappreciated by Mom and Dad. It's just when Olivia has done the same, it gets a bit crowded, but Dad is usually out by 5:30 at the latest.
Henry sleeps well, once he gets asleep. He has Mommy's circadian rhythm of being alert later and sleeping in. He is also most likely to be found having rolled out of the bed, or to be sleeping feet up on wall, head at foot, on stomach with arm behind back, and other sleep pilates positions.
The three kids all verbalize a desire for bunk beds. We go to furniture stores and "try" each of them on the top bunk. Then they don't want bunk beds. Until the next day, when they say they want bunk beds again. Are they simply misunderstanding what the bunk bed configuration is?
We continue to oscillate between trying all 3 in the same room, girls together, current state, or all three in separate rooms. Will likely continue this debate for the next 15 years.
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